Life sketch of President George Washington with family history starting before his birth through his life and death. (48 pages) An easy to read family book.

Available as 1 Book with illustrations or 1 Book and 1 set of 16 Colorful Family Review Cards. On the front of each card there are pictures reflecting different events from his life with accompanying study questions on the back. These cards are bound together at the top with a special plastic coil binding.  (8 1/2 x 5 1/2")

    Item # Description/Size Availability Qty Break Price Quantity
    Includes 1 Book with illustrations, and 1 Bound Set of Family Colorful Review Cards
    In Stock 1 $13.95
    Includes 1 book with illustrations
    In Stock 1 $9.95

    Life sketch of President George Washington with family history starting before his birth through his life and death. An easy to read family book.

    "Let them teach their children never to forget that the fruits of his labors and his example are their inheritance."

    Table of Contents

    Forward; His Roots; Young George Washington; The Shaping of his Character; The Teenage Years; A Learning Curve; Returning to the Ohio Valley; The Good Life; Man for the Times:Thank You, Mr. President (song); Story One; Story Two; Story Three; Story Four: Story Five; The Forge of Tribulation; Providing Comfort; Providential Care; Concluding Scenes of the War; Peace at Last?; Critical Time - 1783-1787; Mr. President; Successful Presidency with a Remarkable Legacy; The Final Chapter.

    48 pages

    This series' of books contains quotes, speeches, documents, illustrations, music, discussion questions and encouraging stories.

    Also available are sets of colorful Review Cards for all 4 books.

    America's Family, along with its originators, Larry and Alice Beebe, are excited to share these educational and inspiring books from our We Believe in America series. These books are designed to be used by the family, individuals and other educational opportunities

    We believe America's #1 classroom is within the home. Our great desire is these books will be beneficial in assisting families and children to learn more about our remarkable American heritage and the principles of freedom.

    We believe the lives and dedication of our founding fathers and mothers need to be constant reminders of our heritage of freedom, which was earned by great sacrifice of property, reputation and life. We also believe it is important for the children of America to recognize the guiding and protecting hand of Heaven in the formation of this country and its laws that help keep us free.

    Please Note - All of the content on this website is copyrighted material.